Check Out What Our Patients
Are Saying…

“Dr. Bland’s chiropractic care helped during my pregnancy for a great delivery!”
“I Feel Wonderful”
“This has put my life back on track”
Before starting Chiropractic care, I had neck and shoulder pain so bad. From 1 to 10 pain level, it was 20+. I went to a medical doctor which put me on exercise and pain pills. I was taking 6 pain pills a day. I came here.
After beginning Chiropractic care, after about 2 months of treatment I have gone from pain of 20+ to a 1 to 0. I am very glad I came to NWA Chiropractic Clinic. This has put my life back on track.
Thank you , Jimmie Johnson
“My hand is healed without any shot or medicine of any kind”
Before starting Chiropractic care, I was having a problem with my ring finger of my left hand so much so that I went to see a doctor for help- he diagnosed it as “trigger finger” and he encouraged me to get a shot in the base of the painful finger. And I did, it was very painful. It did, however, stop the pain and no more trigger finger.
After beginning Chiropractic care, I mentioned to Dr. Bland that my “trigger finger” was hurting very badly(it returned). Through his Chiropractic care, my hand is healed without any shot or medicine of any kind. It feels so good to use my hand now without pain. Thank you Dr. Bland.
Sincerely, Adrienne Charette